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    • An
      19 Novembre 2023
      0 Augura foglie verdi

      Piccoli insetti nella dispensa del cibo

      Da diversi mesi sono comparsi in casa alcuni insetti, come quelli nella foto. Non diventano più grandi di così, si moltiplicano velocemente e durante il giorno sembrano morti. Sono comparsi quando una bottiglia di olio si è rotta. Ho notato il problema abbastanza tardi. Dall’armadio dove tenevo l’olio e qualche pianta, hanno cominciato a diffondersi. Si arrampicano anche sul muro e credo che lascino degli escrementi che sembrano terriccio fine.

      Ho notato che sono attratti dall’olio e da alcuni alimenti. Come posso sbarazzarmene?


      1 Risposta

    • Armuro
      20 Novembre 2023

      Hello, in the attached images there seem to be some pests specific to dry foods (flour, cereals, etc.), also called tobacco pests. For this reason, it is important to carefully inspect all the food in the house and, if necessary, throw away any infested foodstuffs. Uninfested food needs to be sealed. It is advisable to vacuum the rooms and surfaces first, insisting on the areas where they usually show up, as well as those where they can hide. After that, it is recommended to use adhesive traps, such as Tobaguard, 10 pieces, that will help catch the remaining pests, as well as monitor the degree of infestation.
      If the degree of infestation is high, you can spray an insecticide such as K-Othrine SC 7.5 Flow, 25 ml, in a dose of 25 ml/750 ml water. Being a contact insecticide, it will only affect the pests that will pass through the treated areas. Therefore, it needs to be sprayed on all the surfaces that they can touch. At the time of application, as well as in the next 4-6 hours, children and pets must not enter the treated area. After this period, the room has to be well ventilated

      0 Augura foglie verdi
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