Viewing 22 reply threads
    • el
      2 Maggio 2023
      0 Augura foglie verdi

      Trattamento: piccoli insetti che compaiono da sotto il pavimento

      Ciao, ho un problema con un sacco di piccoli insetti neri che compaiono in primavera e scompaiono in autunno. Immagino si siano presentati perché il parquet è stato cambiato e c’era del legno sotto il vecchio parquet che è rimasto al suo posto e che forse è diventato marcio. O forse vengono da altrove. L’idea è che ho comprato il gel MaxForce ma non ha avuto effetto. Forse non è per questo tipo di bug. Vorrei che mi consigliaste qualcosa di sicuro… ripeto sono piccolissimi e neri, e compaiono in gran numero. Grazie.


      36 risposte

    • el
      3 Maggio 2023


      0 Augura foglie verdi
    • Armuro
      4 Maggio 2023

      Infatti, Maxforce IC Gel, 20 g non saprei aiutarti. I parassiti nella foto sembrano essere tonchio di grano e MaxForce contiene un attrattivo alimentare che funziona solo sugli scarafaggi. Per controllare questi insetti si consiglia di effettuare un trattamento con K-Othrine WG 250, 20 g. Se continuano a riapparire, significa che hanno anche una fonte di cibo. Dovrai trovare la fonte di cibo e rimuoverla.

      0 Augura foglie verdi
    • Si
      5 Maggio 2023

      Cosa possono essere?? Si sono presentati nella cameretta del bambino (molti di loro negli angoli della stanza). Ho usato uno spray del supermercato ma non ha avuto effetto – anche se sembrano morti, riappaiono comunque. Non c’è cibo, niente nella sua stanza. Abbiamo iniziato a notarli dopo essere tornati a casa dalle vacanze invernali, durante le quali siamo stati via per 3 settimane. Tuttavia, in casa faceva caldo (come se non fossimo stati via – non abbiamo spento il riscaldamento). Vorrei sapere cosa sono e cosa posso usare per eliminarli! Grazie in anticipo.

      0 Augura foglie verdi
    • Armuro
      6 Maggio 2023

      Ciao, gli insetti nella foto allegata sembrano essere scarafaggi del tabacco. Pertanto, si raccomanda di ispezionare attentamente tutti gli alimenti e di smaltirli se vengono trovati insetti e di sigillare quelli che non sono infestati. Si consiglia di aspirare prima accuratamente la cucina, insistendo sulle zone dove sono presenti e su quelle dove possono nascondersi. Successivamente, per il controllo, si consiglia di effettuare un trattamento a spruzzo con un insetticida ad ampio spettro, come ad es: i2 AMP2 CL RTU 1 litro, i2.6 Universale RTU, 500 ml o i0.82 Proteggere Spray contro Cimici e Pulci, 500 ml, applicato secondo le specifiche nella descrizione, a seconda del prodotto scelto.
      Inoltre, per il monitoraggio, si consiglia di utilizzare regolarmente una trappola come :Tobaguard, 10 pezzi.
      Si rimanda al seguente articolo per maggiori dettagli sulle procedure da seguire e sulle azioni da intraprendere:

      0 Augura foglie verdi
    • Da
      7 Maggio 2023

      Sapete dirmi il nome di questo insetto e l’insetticida necessario?
      Appare da alcune settimane nel mio appartamento e li trovo per lo più morti, solo il gatto li trova vivi e cioè soprattutto di notte.
      Grazie in anticipo.

      0 Augura foglie verdi
    • Armuro
      8 Maggio 2023

      Hello, that insect appears to be a cockroach. To control cockroaches, it is recommended to apply an insecticidal gel that has an attractant in its composition, such as i21.5 Premise Gel, 20 g, according to the label recommendations. More information can be found in the following article:
      If the degree level of infestation is high, you can spray a contact insecticide such as i2 AMP2 CL RTU, 1 litre.
      Identifying and sealing the cockroaches’ entry points into the house is also an important stage in effective cockroach control since even if the solutions used are effective for a while, the cockroaches will still find a way in.

      0 Augura foglie verdi
    • CG
      Catalin G.
      9 Maggio 2023

      Hello, I have a few cockroaches that I find mainly around the baseboards but sometimes they climb up the wall. I live on the 5th floor of a new apartment (2 years old). I mention that in the room there are many plants and 2 birds, but I have seen them in another room.

      0 Augura foglie verdi
    • Armuro
      10 Maggio 2023

      Hello, since from the attached pictures, the insects cannot be identified exactly, you can try applying a universal treatment with an insecticide that has a broad spectrum of action, such as: i2 AMP2 CL RTU, 1 litre.

      0 Augura foglie verdi
    • Ge
      12 Maggio 2023

      Hello! For some time these tiny beetles have been appearing especially in the kitchen. I first discovered them in the tea box. They don’t seem to move and can be easily killed, but I have seen that they fly too. How can I get rid of them? Thank you!

      0 Augura foglie verdi
    • Ma
      13 Maggio 2023

      Good evening. Recently, some little black bugs appeared in my house (I attached a picture). I don’t know where they come from, we don’t have parquet, we searched through our clothes and we couldn’t find the source. Can you please tell me how we can get rid of them?

      0 Augura foglie verdi
    • Ac
      Andra cristeaspecialista
      15 Maggio 2023

      Good evening!

      I’m facing the same problem. I have these little black cockroaches in the house that pop when you kill them. They particularly show up next to the baseboards and I was not able to get rid of them with any insecticide.

      Could you tell me what they are and what can I do to get rid of them?


      0 Augura foglie verdi
    • Da
      17 Maggio 2023

      Hello… Can you help me with some advice about these bugs… They showed up all over the house and I don’t know where they came from… They can be pests of wood… Or they are bugs that infest grain… I live on the 5th floor and I have a room in the attic… And I found them both upstairs and downstairs….

      0 Augura foglie verdi
    • Cp
      Catalin parvu
      19 Maggio 2023

      Help. I always find them on the walls, they’re tiny and they generally become active in the evening, when I turn on the light … I don’t know what to do. The house is cleaned daily and it is recently built.

      0 Augura foglie verdi
    • Da
      21 Maggio 2023

      Good evening, please help me if you can. These little flying bugs have invaded the apartment for about 5 days. There are several on the balcony … and a few in the living room. I found about 10 under a box (they were no longer alive).

      How can we get rid of them, what is the cause of their appearance and how can we prevent their recurrence?

      0 Augura foglie verdi
    • Io
      24 Maggio 2023

      They appeared in the kitchen, on the edge of the window and on the ceiling, about 2-3 weeks ago when we were away from home. I searched through the cupboards but couldn’t find the source. They are many, small (3-4mm), black-brown. I applied some Raid insecticide and it seemed that they were becoming fewer, but now they are multiplying again. How do I get rid of them?

      0 Augura foglie verdi
    • Armuro
      25 Maggio 2023

      Hello, in the attached images there seem to be some pests specific to dry foods (flour, cereals, etc.), also called tobacco pests. For this reason, it is important to carefully inspect all the food in the house and, if necessary, throw away any infested foodstuffs. Uninfested food needs to be sealed. It is advisable to vacuum the rooms and surfaces first, insisting on the areas where they usually show up, as well as those where they can hide. After that, it is recommended to use adhesive traps, such as Tobaguard, 10 pieces that will help catch the remaining pests, as well as monitor the degree of infestation.
      If the degree of infestation is high, you can spray with a contact insecticide such as i2 AMP2 CL RTU, 1 litre, according to the specifications on its label.
      For more detailed information on these pests, please see the following article:

      0 Augura foglie verdi
    • El
      26 Maggio 2023

      Hello, what insect is in the attached picture? It’s as small as half a fingernail. I see this type of bugs more and more often on the floor of the apartment, but also in the bathroom. How can I get rid of them once and for all?

      0 Augura foglie verdi
    • BS
      Bogdan S
      27 Maggio 2023

      Hello. These bugs started to appear on the floor, in the area where I have a window screen, but they seem to come out from under the floor. I recently renovated the apartment.

      0 Augura foglie verdi
    • Ro
      30 Maggio 2023

      Hello. Every year in July-August these bugs show up and disappear by the end of September. They are very small and quite numerous. For the rest of the year I have no bugs in the house at all.

      Please tell me, if possible, what kind of bugs they are and how they can be controlled. Thanks

      0 Augura foglie verdi
    • An
      1 Giugno 2023

      What are these insects? They are very small, the size of an ant. I usually find them in the kitchen and in the bathroom.

      0 Augura foglie verdi
    • Cr
      4 Giugno 2023

      Good evening. I’ve had a problem with small, hard cockroaches in the house for about two weeks, which pop when you press them. If you look at them from a distance, they look like lint, but when you approach them, they seem dead and yet they move. They are behind the toilet, on the baseboards, in the corners, on the edges of the carpet. Please tell me how I can get rid of them. I kill them, clean them, but they’ll be back in the dozens tomorrow. Thanks

      0 Augura foglie verdi
    • Ag
      Adriana gheorghe
      6 Giugno 2023

      Good evening. From the beginning of August, these bugs that I can’t seem to be able to get rid of, have invaded my house and the area around it. I mention that it is not only our problem, but also our neighbors. What kind of bug is it and how can we get rid of it?

      0 Augura foglie verdi
    • Armuro
      11 Maggio 2023

      Although the pictures are not very clear, it seems to be a specific type of pest that infests stored food, more precisely, Tribolium castaneum. You should know that in the case of food pests the treatment is similar. Normally, these types of pests (that infest food, regardless of species) are brought into the home along with other infested foods. You did not specify if they are present in other rooms or if you only noticed them in the child’s room. It is important to carefully inspect all the food in the house and, if necessary, throw away any infested foodstuffs. Uninfested food needs to be sealed.
      For control, it is recommended to apply on all surfaces an insecticide such as K-Othrine WG 250, 20 g. At the time of application, as well as in the next 4-6 hours, children and pets must stay away from the treated area. After each treatment, the room will remain closed for a period of 4-6 hours. After that, you can enter and air it. Next, all surfaces and the floor have to be vacuumed. “Sensitive” surfaces (countertops, drawers, etc.) that come in direct contact with food are wiped with a damp cloth.

      0 Augura foglie verdi
    • Armuro
      14 Maggio 2023

      From the attached photo, it seems to be a specific type of pest that infests stored food, more precisely, Sitophilus granarius, but its identification can only be done after a more detailed examination. Still, in the case of food pests the treatment is similar. Normally, these types of pests (that infest food, regardless of the species) are brought into the home along with other infested foods. It is important to carefully inspect all the food in the house and, if necessary, throw away any infested foodstuffs. Uninfested food needs to be sealed. For control, it is recommended to apply on all surfaces an insecticide such as K-Othrine WG 250, 20 g. After the treatment, the room will remain closed for a period of 4-6 hours. After that, you can enter and air it. Next, all surfaces and the floor have to be vacuumed. “Sensitive” surfaces (countertops, drawers, etc.) that come in direct contact with food need to be wiped with a damp cloth.

      0 Augura foglie verdi
    • Armuro
      16 Maggio 2023

      Hello, it is difficult to identify the species just by analyzing the attached photo.
      You did not mention which insecticide you applied to control them, so it is recommended to spray a broad-spectrum insecticide such as K-Othrine WG 250, 20 g.
      Being a contact insecticide, they must cross the surface on which it was applied to have the desired effect.
      At the time of application, as well as in the next 4-6 hours, children and pets must stay away from the treated area.
      On the baseboards, or in other places, where you noticed that they show up (cracks / fissures, etc.) it is advisable to apply i05 PermDust, 100 g, an insecticide in the form of a ready-made powder.

      0 Augura foglie verdi
    • Armuro
      18 Maggio 2023

      Hello, according to its shape, it seems to be Oryzaephilus Surinamensis, a specific type of pest that infests stored food. The recommendations are the same as above.
      Specifically, it is important to carefully inspect all the food in the house and, if necessary, throw away any infested foodstuffs. Uninfested food needs to be sealed
      For control, it is recommended to apply on all surfaces an insecticide such as K-Othrine WG 250, 20 g. At the time of application, as well as in the next 4-6 hours, children and pets must stay away from the treated area. After each treatment, the room will remain closed for a period of 4-6 hours. After that, you can enter and air it. Next, all surfaces and the floor have to be vacuumed. “Sensitive” surfaces (countertops, drawers, etc.) that come in direct contact with food are wiped with a damp cloth.

      0 Augura foglie verdi
    • Armuro
      20 Maggio 2023

      Hello, the insects in the attached images are similar to some species of booklice (order Psocoptera). Being less common in households, we do not have a product specially designed against these insects, but to control them, you can apply a broad-spectrum insecticide, ready-to-use, such as i2 AMP2 CL RTU, 1 litre, on all the surfaces they might cross, insisting in the spaces where a larger population has been observed.

      0 Augura foglie verdi
    • Armuro
      22 Maggio 2023

      Hello, in the attached images there seem to be some pests specific to dry foods (flour, cereals, etc.), also called tobacco pests. For this reason, it is important to carefully inspect all the food in the house and, if necessary, throw away any infested foodstuffs. Uninfested food needs to be sealed. It is advisable to vacuum the rooms and surfaces first, insisting on the areas where they usually show up, as well as those where they can hide. After that, it is recommended to use adhesive traps, such as Tobaguard, 10 pieces that will help catch the remaining pests, as well as monitor the degree of infestation.
      If the degree of infestation is high, you can spray with a contact insecticide such as i2 AMP2 CL RTU, 1 litre, according to the specifications on its label.
      For more detailed information on these pests, please see the following article:

      0 Augura foglie verdi
    • Da
      23 Maggio 2023

      Thanks so much for the quick answer!

      0 Augura foglie verdi
    • Armuro
      28 Maggio 2023

      Hello, unfortunately the photo did not upload. Please attach it again.

      0 Augura foglie verdi
    • Armuro
      29 Maggio 2023

      Hello, from the photos, it looks like a cockroach from the order Blattodea (an Oriental or a German cockroach). Our recommendations for treatments that can be applied, as well as other useful tips, are described in a similar topic in our Community:

      0 Augura foglie verdi
    • Armuro
      31 Maggio 2023

      Hello, the cockroach in the attached image seems to belong to the Blattodea order (the same order that the German / Oriental cockroaches are part of). An important step before carrying out a treatment is to identify the access routes of the cockroaches inside your home and seal them. Subsequently, for control, it is recommended to apply a broad-spectrum insecticide, such as K-Othrine WG 250, 20 g, which needs to be dissolved in a dose of 10 g / 10 L water. The prepared solution is viable for maximum 24 hours, therefore, it is not recommended to store it for longer. In order to have the desired effect, this being a contact insecticide, the solution must be sprayed on the surfaces usually crossed by the pests. In addition, in hard to reach places, where a sprayed solution cannot be used, it is recommended to apply a ready-to-use insecticide in powder form: i05 PermDust, 100 g.
      If you are going to carry out both types of treatments, it is important that the spray is applied before the powdered insecticide. After the solution dries, the insecticide in powder form can be applied.

      0 Augura foglie verdi
    • Armuro
      2 Giugno 2023

      Hello, in the attached photo it is a specific type of pest that infests stored food, namely Oryzaephilus Surinamensis. For this reason, it is important to carefully inspect all the food in the house and, if necessary, throw away any infested foodstuffs. Uninfested food needs to be sealed. It is advisable to vacuum the rooms and surfaces first, insisting on the areas where they usually show up, as well as those where they can hide. If the degree of infestation is high, you can spray with a contact insecticide such as i2 AMP2 CL RTU, 1 litre, according to the specifications on its label.
      In addition, in hard to reach places, where a sprayed solution cannot be used, it is recommended to apply a ready-to-use insecticide in powder form: i05 PermDust, 100 g.

      0 Augura foglie verdi
    • Io
      3 Giugno 2023

      Thanks for the quick reply 🤗

      0 Augura foglie verdi
    • Armuro
      5 Giugno 2023

      Hello, the insect photographed resembles a species of weevils (Curculionoidea), which are considered to be pests of stored food. For this reason, it is important to carefully inspect all the food in the house and, if necessary, throw away any infested foodstuffs. Uninfested food needs to be sealed. Subsequently, spray treatments can be applied in all places where the presence of insects has been detected, with ready-to-use insecticides: i2 AMP2 CL RTU, 1 litre or i2.6 Universal RTU, 500 ml.

      0 Augura foglie verdi
    • Armuro
      7 Giugno 2023

      Hello, according to its morphology, it seems to be an insect from the subfamily Triatominae. Thus, for controlling it indoors (if they are present there as well) it is recommended to apply a contact insecticide with a broad spectrum of action, through spraying, such as i2 AMP2 CL RTU, 1 litre, according to the specifications on its label.
      In addition, in hard to reach places, where a sprayed solution cannot be used, it is recommended to apply a ready-to-use insecticide in powder form: i05 PermDust, 100 g.
      Outdoors, the application of a broad-spectrum insecticide, such as i14 Cytrol, 500 ml is recommended, according to the specifications on its label.

      0 Augura foglie verdi
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