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    • AR
      Andreea Rizea
      3 November 2023
      0 Wish green leaves

      Walnut tree – brown spots on the trunk

      Hello! Some brown spots have appeared on the stem of the walnut tree (they certainly weren’t there a week ago), and one of the bark cracks seems to be “stained” with the same brown substance that taints the stem. What could it be and how can it be treated? Thank you very much!!!


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      4 November 2023

      Hello, from the attached pictures, the walnut tree seems to be suffering from a bacterial infection (wetwood). This condition is caused by a number of bacteria that can enter the tree through wounds (most commonly at the root level). Gas is produced in infected trees as a result of the fermentation process. This gas causes an increase in pressure which forces the liquid out through various cracks in the bark. The liquid is made up of bacteria, yeasts and water. This liquid can be dark and muddy in appearance. Unfortunately, there is no information about a cure for this condition. In this case, it is recommended to maintain the general health of the tree by ensuring an adequate humidity, carrying out maintenance pruning (the tools should be disinfected afterwards) and balanced fertilization.
      Additionally, considering the period we are in, in order to increase the resistance to drought and frost, as well as to improve the water balance of the walnut tree, it is recommended to use a fertilizer with a high potassium content: Fertilizer 0-0-40 Azet HerbstKali, 2 kg. This is administered by spreading it around the plant, followed by gentle incorporation and watering, according to the recommendations on the label.

      0 Wish green leaves
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