How do we prevent and control plant problems in the garden?

Like anything else, gardening requires prevention. Time and money can be saved by preventing plant problems in the garden. It reduces the need for herbicides and insecticides. Plants in the garden are susceptible to several issues throughout the year, such as diseases, pests, harsh conditions, etc. You can prevent and manage these issues in this post to ensure the health and success of your garden. Garden monitoring and vigilance The garden must be monitored and constantly vigilant to be healthy and productive. By regularly inspecting the plants, you can promptly avoid and treat potential infestations or diseases that might harm…


General guide for fertilizing vegetables

Setting up a technological plan for fertilizing vegetable crops involves certain technological processes that must be taken into account in order to obtain a healthy crop with an increased production yield. They take place before the cultivation of the crop but also during the phenological stages of the plants.


How to treat cereal grains

Setting up productive and profitable grain crops consists in the adherence to certain agrophytotechnical measures. During the vegetative growth period, cereal grains are frequently affected by pathogenic and harmful organisms, so the protection of the crops must begin before sowing, by treating the seeds properly with suitable fungicides and insecticides.


Trimming and pruning ornamental species

In order to maintain a pleasant appearance, ornamental trees and shrubs require adequate care, depending on the species, growing conditions, state of health and the desired appearance. One of the main interventions for the care of ornamental species is represented by pruning.

How to apply herbicides

How to apply herbicides

What are herbicides? How many types of herbicides are? When can you apply a herbicide? Find out in this article.


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Indoor plants – Repotting
Indoor plants – Repotting

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