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      12 May 2022
      0 Wish green leaves

      Plum tree with deformed fruits

      My plum fruit has what appears to have sugar spirals coming out of the fruit. Most of the many plums on this tree have that appearance. Last year it produced a few plums, but this year many with the clear crystalized stuff, some of the spirals are up to 1/4 to 1/2 inch long.


      3 answers

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      12 May 2022

      Hello. To help you with a recommendation, please give us more information about the plum tree: where is it located, what are the environmental conditions (temperature, light, soil)? How often do you water? Have you applied any treatment/fertilizer? Are any pests present?
      Also, please attach several pictures of the plum tree in question: both overall pictures (the whole plant) and pictures of details (for example, the upper, lower face of the leaf or fruit).

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by AvatarArmuro.
      0 Wish green leaves
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        12 May 2022

        Hello, I have not noticed any pests on the leaves, only the damage to the fruit. I have used 2 applications of horticultural oil at the recommendation of my farmer neighbor. The ratio was 4 Tablespoons per gallon of water. I saw no improvement with the spray. I live in the Phoenix Arizona area. Attached you will find pictures.
        Thank you.

        0 Wish green leaves
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          12 May 2022

          Hello. The symptoms in the attached images seem to have appeared as a reaction of the tree to a stressful situation (attack of a pest, installation of disease, various wounds, etc.). In this case, it is advisable to remove the affected fruits, then apply a broad-spectrum fungicide, such as Score 250 EC, 2 ml. Dilute 2 ml in 10 L of water and apply by foliar spraying. The preharvest interval is 7 days.
          To control a wide range of pests, it is recommended to carry out a treatment with a insecticide such as Faster 10 CE, 2 ml. Dissolve 2,5 ml in 10 L of water and apply by foliar spraying. The preharves interval is 14 days.
          It is also recommended to apply an organic fertilizer for fruit trees that helps absorb nutrients from the soil and ensures the harmonious development of trees: Organic Fertilizer for Fruit Trees, 2 kg. It is incorporated in the soil, in a dose of 100 g / sqm/year, by 1-2 applications. The first fertilization can be performed in spring after the trees start growing in vegetation. The second fertilization is carried out until mid-June, to favor the formation of fruit buds for the following year.

          0 Wish green leaves
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