How to get rid of Mosquitoes


Mosquitoes are part of a group made of about 3500 species of small insects, flying insects, representing the family Culicidae of the order Diptera. Their life-cycle consists of 4 stages (egg, larva, pupa and adult), in the first three living in the aquatic environment. Adult mosquitoes have a lifespan of about a week, up to several months, depending on the species, sex and climate. In most species of mosquitoes, adult females have mouthparts constructed so that they pierce the skin, literally sucking the blood of the victims out. Thanks to its iron and protein content, blood is essential in the formation of eggs and the perpetuation of the species.

Mosquitoes mostly prefer a warm climate for breeding and laying eggs. That is why they usually become active in early summer and they disappear when temperatures drop. For this reason, mosquito control treatments are carried out over a period of 7 months.


Treatments against mosquitoes are usually performed outdoors but sometimes indoor action is also required.


For higher efficiency and long-lasting effects, contact insecticides are preferable indoors. To make them last even longer manual spraying is recommended  (atomizer for large surfaces). Contact insecticides are required for mosquitoes to actually sit on the treated area. Thus it is advisable to apply the solution on all big surfaces where insects can land.

Recommended insecticides for combating indoor mosquitoes:

They are biocidal substances used for treatments against mosquitoes, most of which damage the insect’s nervous system. High concentration contact insecticides is best to use against mosquitoes – simply dissolve in water following the recommended doses. The solution is applied by spraying, with manual or motorized equipment, depending on the size of the treated space.

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Recommended sprayers for the application of insecticides:

Sprayers are low-pressure applicators that are used to apply insecticides with precise dosing. Depending on the type of appliance, its design, the application method (manual / electric sprayers), the size of the treated space their capacity can vary. Particular attention is needed when adjusting the machine and performing its maintenance as well.

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In some regions, aerosol insecticides are used for combating mosquitoes indoors. It is also possible to use an adhesive foam in order to isolate the space from insects and other types of pests.

Outdoor treatments – mosquito control

Their effectiveness is influenced by environmental factors such as precipitation, sunlight, dew. The more protected the space is, the longer the treatment has a longer effect. However, for mosquitoes, it is imperative to use shock treatments. These work effectively by removing a large population of mosquitoes at a time and in the first 24-48 hours.

Warning! The moment when you decide to perform the treatment is very important. Because most of the mosquitoes are active during the night and a very small percentage during the day it is recommended to perform the treatment in the late evening or early morning when the mosquitoes are most present. Also, it is preferred not to apply the treatments in unfavorable weather conditions (strong wind, temperatures over 27 ° C) or before precipitation. 

For the exterior, it is recommended to constantly perform treatments with contact insecticides. Treatments will be made at intervals of approximately 3-4 weeks throughout the warm season. The substance must be applied all over the exterior walls, on vegetation around and all the surfaces which can be appealing for mosquitoes.

Recommended insecticides for combating mosquitoes outdoors:

They are biocidal substances used for treatments against mosquitoes, most of which damage the insect’s nervous system. High concentration contact insecticides are best to use against mosquitoes – simply dissolve in water following the recommended doses. The substance is applied by using specific equipment, especially in places where the activity of insects is more pronounced (on the vegetation).

Recommended products

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The effectiveness of the treatment also depends on the equipment which you are using. For outdoor treatments against mosquitoes, it is recommended to apply the solution using ULV or LV devices which generate strong currents that can penetrate through dense vegetation. In addition, this type of application maintains the insecticide particles sprayed in the air for longer periods of time – up to one hour – thus increasing the effectiveness of the treatment. Considering this you can get optimal efficiency for applications with Thermal Nebulizers. At the same time, where possible, it is recommended you use petroleum solvents. This ensures a more homogeneous dispersion of insecticide particles in the air and, implicitly, visibly higher effectiveness of the treatment.

Suitable ULV devices for the application of insecticides:

ULV (Ultra Low Volume) equipment consists of motorized devices that spray the solution in very fine particles of light fog, so they are used for the application of outdoor treatments against mosquitoes. Cold mist nebulizers are used to apply solutions that have water as a solvent, while Thermal Nebulizer / Foggers (hot mist) are used to apply solutions with petroleum solvents.

Recommended products

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Recommended atomizers for the application of insecticides:

The atomizer is a thermal engine sprayer that runs on gasoline. The spray rate is higher than the conventional applicators therefore it is especially used for direct (on vegetation) outdoor spraying against harmful insects.

Recommended products

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In regions where the legislation allows so repellents or growth regulators can be used against mosquitoes. Both types of products can be applied to control mosquitoes both indoors and outdoors. Solutions based on growth regulators act, in particular, against mosquito larvae, preventing their development in adult form.

Safety equipment

Safety equipment has the role of protecting the person who is performing the disinsection treatments. To avoid inhaling the vapors which are created during spraying or to avoid direct contact with the applied substances it is recommended to wear complete protective equipment. This includes: hooded protection suit, respiratory masks, chemical resistant gloves, rubber boots or waterproof footwear, as appropriate.

Recommended safety equipment:

Safety equipment has the role of protecting the person who is performing the disinsection treatments. This consists of protective gloves, coveralls, masks, etc. The equipment is chosen depending on the type of treatment, substances used or pest to be controlled.

  • Chemical Resistant Hooded Suit:

Recommended products

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  • Protection Gloves:

Recommended products

Read carefully and follow the instructions on the label of each product
  • Gas masks, protection glasses:

Recommended products

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Traps with UV light – mosquito control 

Available in two types: with glue board or with electric grid and can be used both inside and outside the home. These traps work by attracting mosquitoes with the help of UV light and capturing them. Depending on the type of trap, mosquitoes are caught on the surface of the glue board or electrocuted when in contact with the electrical grid. However, the traps with UV light do not replace chemical treatments but can be used in addition to regular insecticide treatments.

The efficiency of traps with UV light is influenced by the space in which they are located. Thus, for best results, it is best to place them close to the entrance areas of insects. In addition, the light from the trap must be much stronger than other light sources (this will attract mosquitoes from a wider range). To increase efficiency, they can be left switched on during the night.

Glue board traps

They attract mosquitoes through UV light and capture them on the adhesive board in the component. They are the most suitable for the interior. It has the advantage that insects cannot fall out of the device and do not create noise when they are caught. It is important to replace the glue board periodically, because, over time, the properties of the glue are reduced (being covered by insects or dust).

Electric Grid Traps

Devices that attract insects through UV rays and electrocute them when they come in contact with the electrified grid. It is recommended to place them especially outside, in covered spaces (for example, terraces). They make noise when catching insects – which can fall from the device. They are also recommended in spaces with high humidity or dust and are a good replacement of UV traps, which would lose their efficiency very easily. 

Recommended UV light traps for combating mosquitoes:

They are electrical devices used to catch flying insects, provided with an adhesive surface or electrical grid. Thus, the insects attracted by the light emitted by the trap LED, will remain trapped in the glue or will be electrocuted instantly. They are usually used together with chemical treatments to control the insect population.

Recommended products

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Catching insects is easier in some regions thanks to UV Pheromone Traps.

Recommended products

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Traps with LED light

These traps produce a light that captures insects by attracting them on the sticky surface of the neon.

Colored adhesive traps

For mosquito control, they can be placed indoors – where insecticide treatments cannot be applied (animal farms, indoors), but they can also be used outdoors. Mosquitoes are attracted by the color of the paper and they get glued to its adhesive.

To conclude, given the very high rate of mosquito multiplication and the biology of these insects, treatment performed locally has a big impact starting with the beginning of their activity period. It is also necessary to apply larvicides in areas where egg laying is observed.


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