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    • Ma
      22 September 2022
      0 Wish green leaves

      Product recommendation for outdoor mosquitoes

      I’d like you to recommend an outdoor mosquito solution. I would like to give in the yard and keep as long as possible (ideally after rain). I’ve been using Bayer’s K-Othrine WG 250 so far, but it doesn’t seem to hold for more than a week.
      All the best,


      1 answer

    • Avatar
      22 September 2022

      Hello. For outdoor mosquito control, it is indicated to apply a shock insecticide, such as i14 Cytrol, 500 ml, by spraying at a dose of 25 ml/5 l water or Cytrol Forte WP, 20 g, by spraying at a dose of 10 g/ 5 l water. However, for mosquito control, it should be mentioned that the treatments applied have a short residual time, as mosquitoes can fly extremely long distances.
      Children and pets should leave the treated area during application and within 4-6 hours. It should also be mentioned that cats are more sensitive to the active substance in the mentioned insecticides.

      0 Wish green leaves
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