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    • CM
      Cornel Miron
      28 February 2022
      0 Wish green leaves

      What can I use to get rid of mice?

      Hi. I have mice inside the house. I used an adhesive trap and some got stuck on the glue. At the moment, they are avoiding the glue. I have a video camera, and I saw one of them touching the glue with its whiskers and then avoiding the adhesive trap. I also used a mechanical trap, I caught two mice, but now they are also avoiding the mechanical trap. They are inside the house. I identified the holes they were in and sealed them, but unfortunately the mice were inside. Can you help me ?


      1 answer

    • Avatar
      1 March 2022

      Most likely, they no longer get close to the adhesive traps because other mice have been caught, and now they associate them with danger. Change the place of the traps and the type of attractant, use gloves when placing them, so as not to feel the human smell. If you used a video camera, you can also check the route of the mice to help you choose where to place the traps.
      If the holes have been sealed, adhesive or mechanical traps need to be used to get rid of them completely.

      0 Wish green leaves
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