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    • GB
      11 March 2022
      0 Wish green leaves

      Advice to get rid of the mice in the attic


      I live in a house with a ground floor and an attic.

      At the beginning of the cold season (Sept.-Oct.), I began to hear noises in the space between the ceiling of the ground floor and the attic floor, almost certainly caused by mice. After a while, the noises have disappeared. Now, they’ve returned. I had the same problem last year.

      The problem is that I don’t have access to that area – unless I cut the ground floor ceiling or the attic floor. I don’t know how the rodents got there, I couldn’t identify the place through which they entered the house.

      In the fall, I called some workers who sealed the exterior of the house, in the area where the base of the house and the ground come into contact. Either the seal failed, or the mice use another entrance, because I can hear them again, especially at night (which is very unpleasant).

      Is there a possibility for them to climb the exterior wall to the top of the roof (6 meters) and then go down through the thermal insulation to the place where I usually hear them? What can they eat in that area (ground floor ceiling / attic floor – the mineral wool)? Or do they just come to get warm?

      I’m asking for your guidance to get rid of the mice. Any advice is welcome.



      1 answer

    • Avatar
      12 March 2022

      You should know that mineral wool used for thermal insulation can provide extremely favorable conditions for a nest protected by the plasterboard. Mice and rats are constantly looking for food, so they can enter the house, and then, seeing the favorable conditions, they can decide to “make their home” in a well-insulated and protected house. Beyond the plasterboard, they can make a quiet, warm, fluffy and most importantly, protected home, a place where they are not disturbed because their presence is imperceptible (except for the noises they can make).
      Since the problem is indoors, the use of traps is the recommended solution. You can opt for mechanical traps such as: 612 Multi-Catch, Victor Power-Kill M142, Gorilla Rat.
      Adhesive traps can also be used: 72TC or 60RB.

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by AvatarArmuro.
      • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by AvatarArmuro.
      • This reply was modified 2 years ago by AvatarArmuro.
      0 Wish green leaves
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