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    • DB
      Dave Ball
      27 May 2022
      0 Wish green leaves

      Sunflower – aphid attack

      How can I fight sunflower disease?


      3 answers

    • Avatar
      27 May 2022

      Hello. Please specify which disease exactly.
      Also include several photos with the plants in question: both overall photos (the whole plant) and detailed photos (for example, the top and bottom of the leaf or stem).

      0 Wish green leaves
      • DB
        Dave Ball
        27 May 2022

        Hello, thank you for your answer. I came across your site by chance through Google, which told me that this plant is a kind of cabbage. The plant really looks like that. The stem and the first leaves seem to be healthy, not the rest. As I was thinking about small flies I used a medicine against it, then I used a kind of soap that succeeds in my hibiscus. The success was not very visible.
        I would like to know what you think about it.

        0 Wish green leaves
        • Avatar
          27 May 2022

          Usually, leaf swelling/deformation is a specific symptom of aphid attack. Against them, 1-2 treatments can be carried out with an insecticide such as Mavrik 2 F, 5 ml, applied by spraying.
          10- 14 days after the insecticide treatments, to increase the plant’s resistance to plant pathogens attack and to keep pests at bay, it is recommended to apply a fertilizer such as AMN Fusek, 500 ml. The fertilizer is applied during the growing season by foliar spraying at a rate of 100 ml/10 L water.

          • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by AvatarArmuro.
          0 Wish green leaves
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