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      Alexandru Vermesan
      8 September 2023
      0 Wish green leaves

      Outdoor Ornamental Plants, Acacia

      Hello, we would like to plant some ornamental shrubs in the backyard of the building, in two rows, and we thought of acacia shrubs. It is a sloping land (40 – 60 degrees) composed of dusty and sandy clay up to ca. 3m deep.
      Would this type of shrub be suitable? What other recommendations would you have?
      Thank you!


      1 answer

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      9 September 2023

      Acacia grows spontaneously on almost any type of soil, even better on well-drained soils. It also has good frost resistance, tolerates drought well, but is more demanding in terms of light.
      If there is a higher amount of limestone in the soil (acacia does not tolerate limestone), I would recommend planting willows such as Salix caprea or Salix acutifolia as they tolerate a much wider variety of soils, provide better shade and are more decorative for a longer period.

      0 Wish green leaves
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