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    • Ke
      29 April 2022
      0 Wish green leaves

      mammoth giant sunflower – head is folding out

      My mammoth giant sunflowers want to fold up like a taco seed side out. The issue I described is one that I have had in the recent past and not so much currently. I raise Mammoth brand sunflowers with good success 23″ dia. heads are not uncommon and lots of ribbons from the fair. I have one head that may be showing this issue. I will keep a chronological photo summary and send if it doesn’t go back to normal. Opps hit send to soon. I hope you can tell by the pictures that this head is folding other wise healthy and growing well. Not as tall or large in dia. as I normally get should start with new seeds.


      1 answer

    • Avatar
      29 April 2022

      Hello, from these photos, the plant does not appear to be affected by any pathogen (insect or disease) but appears to be suffering from a mutation. However, these are quite common in sunflowers and do not affect the organoleptic qualities of the seeds, which are still edible.

      0 Wish green leaves
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