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    • SZ
      Sorin Z.
      31 March 2022
      0 Wish green leaves

      London plane tree trunk disease

      Hello, I planted several London plane trees in the yard and one of them had some brown spots in the trunk. This disease appeared from the base of the trunk and spread approximately 50 cm up on the trunk. I mention the following: – the age of the tree 10 years, – the crown/leaves show no signs of disease, – around the tree is created a perimeter of 3m / 3m covered with weeds control foil over which I put gravel, – I watered the area once at 2-3 months (let the hose flow in that perimeter for 30-60 min). I dug with a knife in the bark of the tree to see how deep this disease is. I did not find sawdust or holes that would lead me to think that it was a worm that digs and eats under the bark. The disease seems to spread under the bark of the tree and in some places erupts. The areas where it erupts are a little more swollen and a brown ooze flows from it. I am waiting for your opinion and advice, thank you in advance!


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      31 March 2022

      Hello, from the attached images, the symptoms of the London plane tree are characteristic of a soil disease, which develops in conditions of high humidity, permanent (especially if the soil has been covered with foil or gravel, which blocks the evaporation of water and soil oxygenation ). In the first instance, it affects the roots, after which it moves through the conducting vessels of the tree towards the aerial parts. On the trunk, there will be wounds/affections of the woody tissue, accompanied by a brown ooze. In this case, given that the disease is in an advanced stage of development, it would be more indicated to replace the tree. However, given that the pathogen can persist for several years in the soil, the area will remain free of vegetation for at least 5 years.

      0 Wish green leaves
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