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    • Co
      1 March 2022
      0 Wish green leaves

      A baby rat in the apartment

      Hello. Since I was away for a while, I found inside the pantry of the apartment (situated on the ground floor), where I put some meat on a plate to defrost, a baby rat. I saw it when I turned on the light. I threw away the meat, next to which I found 2 droppings, and closed and insulated the pantry doors with tape. It’s been 1 week since then. I turn the light on and knock on the door. What do you advise me to do to get rid of the intruder? Thank you in advance …


      1 answer

    • Avatar
      2 March 2022

      You will need to open the pantry and check if the rodent is still inside. After so much time, it can find or build new galleries through which it can circulate. If it is still inside, then adhesive traps such as t25.5 Duke can be placed. As an attractant, in the middle of the trap, place food such as nuts, flavored biscuits, hazelnuts or peanut butter.

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by AvatarArmuro.
      • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by AvatarArmuro.
      • This reply was modified 2 years ago by AvatarArmuro.
      • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by AvatarArmuro.
      0 Wish green leaves
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