Umbellifers powdery mildew (Erysiphe umbelliferum) – identify and control

Umbellifers powdery mildew-identify-control

The umbellifers powdery mildew, Erysiphe umbelliferum is a very common disease that affects carrots, parsnips, and dill.

Symptoms. A white mycelium appears on the leaves of the plants, which eventually becomes dusty/powdery. Under this powder, the tissues turn yellow and dry out. In seed crops, the attack is also observed on the stems. At the end of the vegetation period, the powdery dust changes its color, becoming gray due to small black dots, represented by the fructification of the fungus.

The pathogen. Erysiphe umbelliferum, the fungus spreads during the growing season through spores that germinate easily on the leaves, and from one year to another it resists through the resistance fructification that overwinters on the remains of attacked plants.

Prevention and control. It is recommended to maintain the sowing density, to apply moderate doses of nitrogen, deep plowing, and a crop rotation of 3-4 years. During the growing season, to control the umbellifers powdery mildew, it is recommended to apply treatments with specific fungicides.

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Umbellifers powdery mildew (Erysiphe umbelliferum) – identify and control
Umbellifers powdery mildew (Erysiphe umbelliferum) – identify and control

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