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      4 April 2022
      0 Wish green leaves

      What kind of ant is it?

      Hello, I live in a house made of fir wood. I found in the attic, near a beam, traces of sawdust and ant droppings. The other day I saw on the plasterboard approx. 12-15 ants. I killed them, in the photo there are two with wings, bigger (1.2 cm). The rest were smaller (0.5-0.8 cm), without wings. Can you identify from the photo what type of ant it is? I’ve used Blattanex Ant Tube 4 g for ants in the past (it was very good) but I see you don’t have it in stock anymore. What can it be replaced with?


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      4 April 2022

      Hello, the insects in the pictures look like a species of winged ants. The specified product is not available in our catalog anymore, but to control them, it is recommended to apply an insecticidal gel such as MaxForce Quantum, 30 g. It acts through ingestion and has a “domino” effect, leading to the extermination of the entire colony. It does not pose any risks to non-target animals (pets) or children, since it contains in its composition a bitter substance (bitrex), which prevents the accidental ingestion. It is also recommended to place the gel in bait stations such as the s7 Insect Box.

      0 Wish green leaves
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