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    • cr
      21 September 2023
      0 Wish green leaves

      Turf, isopods in large numbers

      The lawn and plant roots are full of cockroaches


      1 answer

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      22 September 2023

      Hello! From the looks of the attached photos, they seem to be a species of isopods, also known as terrestrial isopods or sow bugs. They are not harmful, can be found outdoors and feed on decaying plant matter. The insects’ main habitat is under mulch, fallen leaves, stones, decaying wood. To reduce their numbers and prevent the emergence of these arthropods, it is important to avoid excessive watering (which can increase humidity and create an environment conducive to the occurrence of isopods) and to remove decaying plant or wood material that may serve as a host area.

      0 Wish green leaves
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