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    • Ma
      28 January 2022
      0 Wish green leaves

      Treatment against fleas indoors

      Hello! I moved into the apartment 3 months ago with my 2 cats. In the old apartment I had no problems with fleas, but since I moved here, I can’t even sleep at night. The two cats are constantly scratching themselves. Please help me.


      1 answer

    • Avatar
      28 January 2022

      Hello. To control fleas indoors, it is recommended to perform at least one or two treatments. The first treatment can be done with an insecticide such as K-Othrine WG 250, 20 g applied through spraying, in a dose of 10 g / 10 l water. With this solution, spray all the areas where they could be hidden (bed, textile fabrics, mattresses, carpets, bedside tables, baseboards, etc.). Also, spray the entire surface of the floor and the walls to a height of up to 1-1.5 meters. Immediately after the spray treatment apply a fumigator such as i7.2 Dobol Fumigator, 10 g in each room. It will irritate the fleas, make them come out of their hiding places and thus come into contact with the initial solution applied through spraying. This treatment will eliminate all the adult fleas.
      After 7-10 days, depending on the evolution of the infestation, it is recommended to perform a second treatment with an insecticide such as  Cytrol Forte WP, 20 g, applied through spraying, in a dose of 10 g / 5 l water. It should be noted that cats have a higher sensitivity to the active substance in the composition of the insecticide Cytrol Forte. After that, apply a fumigator such as i7.2 Dobol Fumigator, 10 g.
      At the time of application, as well as in the next 4-6 hours, children and pets must stay away from the treated area. After each treatment, the rooms will remain closed for a period of 4-6 hours. After that, you can enter and air them. Next, all rooms and surfaces have to be vacuumed, and the vacuum cleaner’s bag or tank must be cleaned immediately after vacuuming. Also, all textile fabrics and materials that tolerate this process, must be washed at a temperature above 60 degrees.
      The treatment of pets is also very important. In this case it is recommended to use specific insecticides for veterinary use, such as Neostomosan, 5 ml.
      Surface insecticides cannot be applied on animals!

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by AvatarArmuro.
      • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by AvatarArmuro.
      • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by AvatarArmuro.
      • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by AvatarArmuro.
      0 Wish green leaves
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