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    • Io
      6 April 2022
      0 Wish green leaves

      Identifying flea-like insects

      I have a problem with some creatures that I cannot properly identify. I will attach some pictures, maybe you can explain what they are and what solution (insecticide) can I use to get rid of them. I tried several insecticides but the problem persisted. I have already called two pest control companies at an interval of 7 days. They couldn’t tell me what they are. They jump like fleas in the presence of men, they bite and my skin is itchy. One of the pest control companies I sent pictures to, told me they think it is dirt, dust… Maybe you can help me. Thank you. I cannot attach the files, but I’ll try to send the pictures separately.


      1 answer

    • Avatar
      6 April 2022

      Hello, from the description you gave us, it is possible that you are dealing with bed bugs. More detailed information on identification, control treatments, and measures to be taken are provided in the following article: (How to get rid of Bed Bugs)

      0 Wish green leaves
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