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    • CS
      Cristina Stroe
      2 July 2023
      2 Wish green leaves

      Nectarine tree, insect on the stem (Tibicina haematodes)

      I found this insect on the nectarine tree. Google tells me it’s called Tibicina hematodes, but it doesn’t clearly state whether it’s a pest or not.


      1 answer

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      3 July 2023

      Hello. In the photo there is a species of cicada. In the case of mature and vigorous trees, the damage they can cause is minor (when the females lay their eggs in the bark of usually young trees). However, if they cause any discomfort, you can apply a fertilizer that reduces the sensitivity of plants to various stress factors and makes them less susceptible to diseases or pests (or other insects): AMN Fusek, 500 ml, by uniform spraying on the tree, according to the recommendations on the label.

      0 Wish green leaves
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