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    • SL
      Stefania Lungu
      26 March 2022
      0 Wish green leaves

      Myriapods in my thuja pots

      I have several thuja bushes in pots in an open balcony. 1) Most of the pots are doing well now, although 3 years ago some branches dried out and I had to cut them, due to a frosty rain. In their case, I have a problem with stink bugs, which come in large numbers, especially in summer. In spring and summer I use insecticides which I apply in 3 series, but they are not successful. Lately I put some hydrogen peroxide from the pharmacy in the water to spray the pots (1 bottle of 250 ml, I think, to 5 l of water). The bugs have not completely disappeared, they can still be found on the balcony, but I have not caught them on the branches anymore. Is it a good long-term solution? 2) I have 2 more thuja pots in a small balcony, next to the kitchen,  and they have always been thinner compared to the rest. Last summer many branches dried up and after I cut them, there were few branches left. At the beginning of 2020 (I have had them since 2014) I noticed when I dug the soil some small red worms with thin and numerous legs. Since the problem with COVID had already started, I had nowhere to buy some pest control solutions from and I applied the method with 250 ml of hydrogen peroxide to 5 l of water, for the weekly watering. Today I found your site and found out that they are myriapods. Is there an effective treatment against them to save the two thuja trees, or will I have to throw them away? Thanks.


      1 answer

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      27 March 2022

      Hello, myriapods prefer high humidity conditions and usually feed on decaying plant matter (rotten roots, dead leaves). They do not usually attack the plants, unless they are in large numbers. If you water the plants excessively, it is advisable to reduce the quantity a little so that the substrate dries before you water them again. As the humidity decreases, the myriapod population should reduce. To stimulate plant growth, it is advisable to apply a stimulator such as: AMN BonaVita, 500 ml. It is NOT recommended to water the plants with hydrogen peroxide. Regarding the stink bug, controlling it is quite difficult. It is recommended to apply a contact insecticide such as: K-Othrine WG 250, 20 g, in a dose of 10 g / 10 l water. Being a contact insecticide, it will only affect the insects that will pass through the treated places, therefore, it needs to be sprayed on the surfaces of the balcony, on which the insects can usually be found.

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by AvatarArmuro.
      • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by AvatarArmuro.
      • This reply was modified 2 years ago by AvatarArmuro.
      0 Wish green leaves
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