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    • NI
      Neida Isleam
      19 December 2023
      4 Wish green leaves

      Lawn – information on how to set it up

      Hi, I’ve been trying for some time now to plant lawn seeds but every time I attempt, the ants come and move them creating actual “seed mounds”. I don’t know what to do.


      3 answers

    • EL
      Emilia L
      20 December 2023

      Hello, have you tried controlling ants first and then planting the lawn?

      0 Wish green leaves
    • NI
      Neida Isleam
      21 December 2023

      I can honestly say that I didn’t. I’ll give it a try, do you know any solutions? Thanks

      1 Wish green leaves
    • Avatar
      22 December 2023

      Hello! Against ants, you can use a broad-spectrum insecticide such as K-Othrine WG 250, 20 g, by spraying it evenly. At the time of application and within 4-6 hours, children and pets should stay away from the treated area.

      0 Wish green leaves
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