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      Cornel Duna
      25 March 2022
      0 Wish green leaves

      Identification of male and female kiwifruit flowers

      I planted 2 kiwis 6 years ago, they haven’t blossomed until now. I don’t know if they are female or male specimens, nor what variety they are.


      1 answer

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      26 March 2022

      In order to be able to differentiate the female specimens from the male ones, you have to wait for them to bloom. The female flowers have long, sticky stigmas, which start from the center of the flower and do not produce pollen. They have well-defined white ovaries at the base, which are missing in male flowers. Due to the pollen anthers, the male flowers have a yellow center. Producing pollen, they attract pollinators, the pollen being transported to nearby female specimens. Because they do not produce fruit, male vines have more vigorous growth, usually larger than female ones.

      0 Wish green leaves
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