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    • Co
      16 November 2022
      0 Wish green leaves

      Hyacinth with prematurely sprouted bulbs

      Hello, because of the high humidity some of the bulbs have formed a blue mould on the leaves and some have started to sprout. Is there anything else I can do with these bulbs?


      1 answer

    • Avatar
      16 November 2022

      Hello. In the case of sprouting bulbs, you can consider planting them at this time (before the soil freezes), and in the case of those with mold symptoms, it would be more advisable to remove them. Also, for the other bulbs, in order to prevent mold or sprouting, it is recommended to keep them in optimal conditions, such as low temperature, constant air humidity (50-60%), and regular ventilation of the space where they are stored.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by AvatarArmuro.
      • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by AvatarArmuro.
      0 Wish green leaves
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