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    • Ci
      2 November 2023
      0 Wish green leaves

      Castanospermum, myriapods and small flies in the substrate

      Good evening. I have a problem with all the flowers in the house, the soil is filled with millipedes. Changing the soil is not an option because they reappear. What can I spray with to get rid of them? Maybe get rid of the flies too, I’ve tried yellow adhesive traps but can’t seem to get rid of them.


      4 answers

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      2 November 2023

      Hello, please send us some photos of the plants and details about their care: where they are located, environmental factors (light, temperature, humidity, draughts, type of substrate, etc.), how you water the plants, how often you water them, how much water you administer to the plants, if you have carried out phytosanitary treatments, if you have administered fertilizers, and other information that you think would help us identify the cause, so that we can help you with recommendations. Also, please attach some focused photos of the millipedes and flies.

      0 Wish green leaves
    • Ci
      3 November 2023

      Good evening, I have not carried out any treatments, I have flowers all over the house and they all have the same problem. They have the same soil as when I bought them, I water them according to the labels I received for each pot, the humidity is not high, 50-max 60. Even in the case of the ones for which I changed the soil, they appeared again, even if they are in different rooms. I need a spraying solution that will penetrate the soil and exterminate them. At least for the flies, I’ve tried adehsive traps but I can’t get rid of them at all. But for the myriapods I really don’t know what I could spray without harming the plant.

      0 Wish green leaves
    • Ci
      3 November 2023

      The plant is Castanospermum and its leaves fall off, which look like this (photos). Is it a disease or something else? What could I treat it with? For a while it did very well, but after a while it stopped. On top of that, I have seen on all the plants in the pots, small millipedes. How do I get rid of them? I would like to know if I can apply a solution that will exterminate the flies and centipedes from the soil. Adhesive traps don’t have much effect. Regarding the leaves, they have not been sprayed with anything, nor the soil changed. Especially since I can’t change it at the moment. Thank you and I await your solutions.

      0 Wish green leaves
    • Avatar
      4 November 2023

      Hello! The symptoms on the leaves of Castanospermum are similar to the attack of thrips or mites. In this regard, it is recommended to remove the affected vegetative parts, followed by 1-2 treatments with an insecticide-acaricide such as Vertimec 1.8 EC, 10 ml, in a dose of 5 ml/10 L water, by foliar spraying. To increase the efficacy of the insecticide, it is recommended to add an adjuvant such as Break Thru S 240, 2 ml, in a dose of 2 ml/10 L to the initial solution.
      It is important to prepare a volume of mixture corresponding to a single treatment (respecting the mentioned dosage), because the already prepared solution does not have a shelf life longer than 24 hours.
      7-10 days after the treatments, it is advisable to use a maintenance product such as Contra X, 500 ml, applied directly by spraying. It supports plant regeneration after certain stressful conditions, or if they have suffered from pest attacks.
      Myriapods can be found in conditions of high humidity and do not usually attack plants, but feed on decaying plant matter. In our catalogue there are no products for the control of insects/worms present in the plant substrate. In this case, it is recommended to water moderately, taking into account the needs of the plant. In order to reduce their number, you can consider regularly changing the first 5 cm of the substrate – Green Plants Professional Substrate, 10 litres.
      For monitoring and catching the flies, it is recommended to use an adhesive trap such as Butterfly Guard, set of 10. Insect pests are attracted by the colour of the trap and stick to the special adhesive.

      0 Wish green leaves
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