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    • Ce
      15 December 2022
      0 Wish green leaves

      Alocasia – affected leaves

      I’ve had this Alocasia for about two months and since then it has started to have spots all over one leaf I’ve gradually removed them so they don’t spread.
      But it’s useless to water it when the soil on the surface has dried out and I haven’t used any treatment. I wonder what I could do. Is there anything else to do? Will it recover? Can this plant be propagated by leaves?


      2 answers

    • Avatar
      15 December 2022

      Hello. The plant in the picture seems to be affected to quite a large degree and most likely will not recover. The causes of these symptoms (yellowing, spots on the leaves) can be multiple: change of environmental conditions with the purchase of the plant, inadequate watering, insufficient light, lack of nutrients in the substrate, possibly a disease, etc. In the future, it is recommended to respect the environmental and care requirements specific to these species (Alocasia, plant care and growing guide), as well as to consult the advice of specialists at the first signs of disease.
      As regards propagation, Alocasia propagates by rhizomes or by separating the shoots at the base of the plant (if present).

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by AvatarArmuro.
      0 Wish green leaves
      • Ce
        15 December 2022

        Thank you kindly for the advice I will keep this in mind when I purchase a new Alocasia plant.

        0 Wish green leaves
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