Dracaena, plant care and growing guide

dracaena houseplant growing

Dracaena spp, also called Dragon Tree, is a genus of plants that includes about 120 species of shrubs. As they age, the plants form a stem. Most species are native to Africa, while the others have their origins in Australia, Asia, and Central America. They are often used as indoor decorative plants.


Dracaena deremensis has long, lanceolate leaves with white longitudinal stripes. Cultivars: Compacta (the leaves are arranged in compact bouquets), Bausei (bundles of highly flared-out leaves).

Dracaena fragrans have a vigorous stem, at the top of which are broad, glossy leaves with yellow, longitudinal stripes.

Dracaena marginata is somewhat similar to Yucca, it has a relatively thin stem, generally branched, at the top of which are long and narrow leaves.

Dracaena sanderiana also called “the lucky bamboo”, is smaller in size than other species and is often confused with the bamboo plant. The leaves tend to twist, they have a green-gray shade, with two yellow stripes on the edges.

Dracaena reflexa is a species native to India, with long, broad leaves with yellow edges. It is a plant quite sensitive to indoor environmental conditions, and it needs high atmospheric humidity.

Light. It prefers bright places but must be kept away from direct sunlight, which can cause burns on the leaves. It can be placed at a distance of 1-2 m from a south-facing window. If the Dracaena does not benefit from enough light, the leaves will discolor and lose their turgidity.

Temperature. The optimum growth temperature, for most species, is about 22° C. The temperature should never drop below 10-12° C, as it can affect them. In winter, D. marginata and D. sanderiana species need a warmer room.

Humidity. In general, Dracaena needs a higher humidity, so it is essential to spray the leaves with water daily. Also, to increase the humidity, you can place the pot on a plate with damp gravel.

Substrate. It requires a substrate that allows very good drainage of water. It can be made up of peat, garden soil, and sand, in equal parts. To improve drainage, it is recommended to put a layer of gravel at the bottom of the pot.

Recommended products

Read carefully and follow the instructions on the label of each product

Care. It is recommended that watering be done regularly, once every 5-7 days. The substrate should not be kept dry for very long. The intervals are indicative because of the volume of water and the frequency of watering depending on the needs of the plant, temperature, location.

Fertilization. Liquid fertilizer can be used, especially for plants with green leaves.

Recommended products

Read carefully and follow the instructions on the label of each product

Repotting. It is usually done only when the roots have occupied the entire pot, once every 2-3 years, in spring. It is recommended to replace the surface layer of the substrate every year.

Propagation. Dracaena is propagated easily, vegetatively, through cuttings taken from the terminal growths or the base of the stem. You can also cut fragments from the stem, with a size of 15 cm, with at least two pairs of leaves. To root the cuttings, high humidity and temperatures are needed.

Recommended products

Read carefully and follow the instructions on the label of each product

Diseases and pests. Aphids can infest the plant, their presence is established by the presence of sticky substances on the leaves. It can also be infested by wooly apple aphids or mites.

In addition:
  • with the aging of the plant, after 2 years of life, the basal leaves turn yellow and fall, but this phenomenon can also occur due to excessive moisture or lack of water for a long time.
  • excessive water and low room temperature during winter can cause the plant to die.
  • the dry tips of the leaves are a symptom of low humidity in the air.
  • plants can have a longevity of 5-15 years.
  • the species Dracaena marginata is recommended to be taken out in the garden or on the terrace during the summer, in a shady place.
  • it is recommended to avoid the use of products that give shine to the leaves.

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