How to get rid of Fleas


Fleas are part of the order Siphonaptera and are parasitic insects of very small sizes, and they can be found both outdoors and indoors. They especially prefer warm-blooded animals. In the absence of a host animal or when in the case of large infestations, fleas can make their way to humans. It is a well-known fact that fleas need heat and humidity to be able to multiply. In case of a flea infestation, specific measures must be taken, and special insecticidal treatments must be made.

Signs of flea infestations

The main signs of a flea infestation are specific bite marks on the skin and the presence of feces on bedding or other materials. Sometimes, a flea bite can cause painful inflammation of the skin around it, or it can even turn into a rash.

Fleas are known for the transmission of certain diseases. In humans, the degree of disease is minimal or non-existent, but animals are much more prone to be infected. Therefore, testing from time to time and disinsection are recommended.

Fleas – Types of treatment

Fleas can jump up to 1 m in height, making the fight against them more difficult. Insecticide treatments are usually applied to control flea activity.

Controlling fleas outdoors

Outdoors, fleas can be found especially in areas with vegetation or in areas frequented by animals. Contact insecticide treatments are recommended for the control of such infestations. Such treatments are applied using a sprayer when treating smaller surfaces, or a fogging machine when treating larger surfaces.

The insecticide solution will be applied on surfaces or vegetation reaching up to a height of 1-1.5 m. Also, for effective control, it is advised to trim the vegetation in areas that are being treated, so that the insecticide can reach as close to the ground as possible.

It is important to mention that, when applying the insecticides, as well as for some time after the application, depending on the product specifications, children and pets are not permitted to remain in the treated area.

Recommended insecticides for outdoor flea control:

Biocidal substances are used for treatments against fleas, most of which affect the insect’s nervous system.  Contact insecticides are preferred against fleas. The solution is applied by spraying, using manual or motorized equipment, depending on the size of the space that is being treated.

Recommended products

Read carefully and follow the instructions on the label of each product
Recommended sprayers for the application of insecticides:

Sprayers are low-pressure applicators, which are used for the application of pesticides that require precise dosing. Their capacity varies depending on the type of appliance, its design, the application method (manual / motorized sprayers),  and the size of the treated space. Special care must be had when adjusting the device, as well as when performing maintenance.

Recommended products

Read carefully and follow the instructions on the label of each product
Recommended foggers for the application of insecticides:

A fogger is a gasoline-powered spray gun. It has a higher spray rate than ordinary appliances and is used specifically for outdoor treatments against harmful insects, for direct application on vegetation.

Recommended products

Read carefully and follow the instructions on the label of each product

Controlling fleas indoors

Indoors, before applying any chemical treatments, it is advised to perform sanitization of the area. Specifically, all surfaces and materials must be well vacuumed, including areas underneath household furniture. After vacuuming, the vacuum cleaner bag must be properly cleaned or disposed of.

It is also recommended to wash clothes and materials (linen, pet mats, etc.) at temperatures above 60 ° C. After performing thorough sanitation,  insecticide treatments can be applied, depending on the degree of infestation.

Insecticide treatments applied by spraying

Initially, a spray treatment will be applied. This solution will be sprayed in all areas where fleas could hide (bedroom furniture, fabrics, mattresses, carpets, bedside tables, parquet, etc.).  Also, the insecticide should be sprayed on all surfaces, including floors and walls up to 1-1.5 meters. The solutions can be applied with any type of sprayer.

Immediately after performing the treatment, it is recommended to apply an aerosol-type insecticide. This will irritate the fleas, making them come out of their hiding places, thus coming into contact with the solution that was initially applied by spraying. Depending on the product used, it must be allowed to act for 30 minutes – 1 hour, during which time the enclosure will remain closed.

Insecticides only affect adult flea specimens. Thus, to interrupt the biological cycle, it is recommended to repeat the treatment (insecticide spray + aerosol insecticide) at least two or three times at a 7-10 days interval, depending on the evolution of the infestation.

It is important to mention that, after each treatment, the treated space must remain closed for 2-4 hours, during which time the applied treatment will do its work. After this period, the area must be very well ventilated, for at least 2 hours. Also, all rooms and surfaces must be vacuumed thoroughly, and the vacuum cleaner bag will be cleaned or thrown away immediately after vacuuming. All fabrics and materials that go through the treatment process must be washed at a temperature of over 60 degrees.

Recommended insecticides for indoor flea control:

Biocidal substances are used for flea treatments, most of which act on the insect’s nervous system. Against fleas, it is recommended to use concentrated contact insecticides, which dissolve in water, following the recommended doses. The solution is applied by spraying, with the help of manual or motorized equipment, depending on the size of the treated space.

Recommended products

Read carefully and follow the instructions on the label of each product
Recommended sprayers for the application of insecticides:

Sprayers are low-pressure applicators, which are used for the application of pesticides that require precise dosing. Their capacity varies depending on the type of appliance, its design, the application method (manual / motorized sprayers),  and the size of the treated space. Special care must be taken when adjusting the device, as well as when maintenance is performed.

Recommended products

Read carefully and follow the instructions on the label of each product
Recommended aerosol insecticides for flea control:

Aerosol-type insecticides act by releasing the active substance in a gaseous form, thus covering the entire space to be treated and ensuring the reach of the active substance particles into hard-to-reach places. They come pre-dosed and ready to use. The released gas irritates the pests, causing them to come into contact with the previously applied insecticide, as such, in cases of pest situations that prove difficult to control, aerosol insecticides are used together with sprayed insecticides.

Recommended products

Read carefully and follow the instructions on the label of each product

Treatments applied by fogging

Depending on the space that is being treated, after applying the solution by spraying, treatments can be performed using a fogging machine (cold mist). Thus, more uniform coverage of the treated area will be achieved. Following this treatment, both a shock effect and a residual effect can be obtained.

Recommended fogging machines for the application of insecticides:

Fogging machines are motorized devices that spray the solution in very fine particles, in the form of light fog. The fine particles penetrate through all the spaces where pests can hide, so they can be used for the application of indoor treatments against fleas. Cold mist machines are used to apply solutions that use water as a solvent.

Recommended products

Read carefully and follow the instructions on the label of each product

Insecticide dust

They are recommended for spaces where treatments using liquid solutions cannot be made (for example cracks, fissures, electrical installations, ventilation systems, etc.). The insecticide dust is applied on dry surfaces, and it does not dissolve in water.

For the applied treatments to have the desired results, it is very important to identify and treat the sources and areas with a high risk of flea occurrence.

Recommended insecticides dusts for flea control:

Dust insecticides are ready-made insecticides, which can be applied onto dry surfaces, according to the specifications on the label. They do not dissolve in water, making them ideal for spaces where liquid solutions cannot be applied, such as onto electrical installations or in cracks. Because they act by contact or ingestion, pests must cross the treated space. In hard-to-reach spaces, insecticide dust products can be applied with the help of special devices.

Recommended products

Read carefully and follow the instructions on the label of each product
Recommended dusters for the application of insecticide powder:

Dusters are devices specially designed for the application of granular or powder (dust) products. They are used to treat hard-to-reach places, for example: inside walls (cracks), behind panels, spaces around electrical outlets, and other very narrow spaces.

Recommended products

Read carefully and follow the instructions on the label of each product

Fleas – Larvicides

Larvicides are used to eliminate the source of the infestation. They act against eggs and larvae, disrupting the breeding cycle of fleas. Depending on their mode of action, some larvicides can also act as growth regulators. They contain specific active substances, which prevent the development of eggs and larvae.

Recommended larvicides for flea control:

Larvicides are a type of insecticide specially designed to kill insects in the larval stage. They can act in several ways: by contact, by ingestion, as growth regulators, etc. By using larvicides, the development of larvae into adult insects is prevented.

Recommended products

Read carefully and follow the instructions on the label of each product

Granular Insecticides

Granular insecticides are used outdoors, around buildings and structures, in areas where animals can usually be found. For optimal results, it is recommended to irrigate the area after applying granular insecticides. Before use, non-target animals should be evicted from the treated area and food or water containers should be covered or removed.

Ultrasound equipment

They are devices specially designed to remove pests from the area of action by the use of ultrasounds. Depending on the device, they act by emitting sound waves of different frequencies, imperceptible to non-target creatures. They are generally used indoors.

Animal disinsection

A very important step in combating flea infestations is the disinsection of pets. There are several types of products for treating pets: anti-flea drops, flea spray products, animal bathing insecticides, and special collars. When choosing a treatment, the recommendations of the veterinarian should be taken into account.

Surface insecticide treatment will not be applied to animals!

Recommended insecticides for flea control on animals:

They are concentrated solutions used against ectoparasites that affect pets (dogs and cats). It is important to mention that, when choosing an appropriate treatment to control fleas present on pets, their species, age, weight, and health must be taken into account, following the recommendations found on the label of the chosen products.

Recommended products

Read carefully and follow the instructions on the label of each product

Safety equipment

Safety equipment has the role of protecting the person that is performing the disinsection treatments. To avoid inhalation of vapors created during spraying or direct contact with the applied substances, it is recommended to wear a complete protective suit. This includes hooded protective coveralls, gas masks with filters, chemical protection gloves, rubber boots, or waterproof footwear, as appropriate.

Recommended safety equipment:

Safety equipment has the role of protecting the person performing the treatments from dangerous substances. This category includes protective gloves, coveralls, masks, etc. The equipment is chosen based on the type of treatment, as well as the substances used or the pest that is being controlled.

  • Anti-chemical suit with hood

Recommended products

Read carefully and follow the instructions on the label of each product
  • Protective gloves

Recommended products

Read carefully and follow the instructions on the label of each product
  • Gas masks, glasses

Recommended products

Read carefully and follow the instructions on the label of each product

Fleas are small insects that multiply fast and can quickly jump to heights of up to 1 meter, so treatment against them can be more difficult to achieve. For effective control, it is recommended to apply the treatments from the first signs of infestation. The treatments are applied outdoors (on vegetation, around the house, and in areas inhabited by animals), and also indoors. However, an important step is the disinsection of animals found in the area. In their case, the treatments will be performed regularly, using insecticides for veterinary use, following the indications on the label, as well as the veterinarian’s recommendations.


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