How to get rid of Clothes Moths


Clothes moths (Tineola bisselliella) are a species of insect of the order Lepidoptera, first reported in the nineteenth century. Although specific to the northern hemisphere (Europe, Asia), the species has also spread to Australia. In some regions, two more species of clothes moths have been identified: Tinea pellionella and Hofmannophila pseudospretella (less common).

They have a biological cycle consisting of 4 stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The larvae (caterpillars) of this species are considered harmful in several regions, for the degradation of textile fibers (especially those of wool and silk). Adult females lay their eggs near textiles; they are especially attracted by the smell of skin secretions or other organic substances, which can provide the larvae with both food and fluids. After hatching, the larvae begin to feed on the keratin proteins found in the textile fibers, degrading the materials.

Signs of a clothes moths infestation

Unlike other types of moths, clothes moths are rarely seen because they are light-avoiding insects. The main sign of the presence of these pests is the signs of degradation of textiles. They prefer materials made from animal fiber, such as wool, fur, silk, feathers, leather. They can damage both clothes and upholstery, beds, carpets, toys, decorative items, etc.

In general, they operate in dark, rarely accessed spaces: cabinets, crates or storage boxes, attics, basements.

It is important to note that the damage caused by the larvae of clothes moths is similar to that caused by another species of insect, Anthrenus verbasci (carpet beetle). In this case, the detection and confirmation of the presence of moths can be done with the help of adhesive traps.

Also, clothes moths should not be confused with food moths, which infest stored food and are usually found in kitchens or pantries.

Types of treatments

For effective control of clothes moths, before applying treatments, certain measures are required, such as cleaning clothes, brushing and vacuuming textiles, upholstery, rigorous cleaning of infested areas (attics, basements, storage spaces), and disposal of heavily infested materials.

Adhesive traps

Adhesive traps come with a pheromone attractant, which mimics the sex pheromones of female insects, thus attracting males for easy capture. Through this, the natural reproduction cycle of clothes moths is disrupted, and the population is gradually diminished until complete elimination. The traps are placed inside cabinets, on shelves, near moth-attracting materials. In large areas, it is recommended to place pheromone traps in a network model, to more easily identify the infested materials and the areas where the pest population is larger. They are most recommended in spaces where rare, valuable pieces are kept, such as museums, exhibitions, antique fairs. Because old objects can degrade after the application of chemical treatments, in these cases, it is preferable to prevent infestations by placing pheromone traps.

Adhesive traps for moth monitoring and control:

This type of trap contains an attractant that mimics the pheromones secreted by female moths. Thus, it has the role of seducing males and capturing them, controlling the activity of clothes moths on a certain surface. They can be used both to monitor clothes moths and to control their numbers.

Recommended products

Read carefully and follow the instructions on the label of each product

Insecticide treatments applied by spraying

Insecticide treatments can be performed against clothes moths. The treatments can be applied using manual or motorized sprayers, depending on the size of the treated space. Insecticides used to control clothes moths usually contain pyrethrins or permethrin, which provide a quick knock-down effect. The treatments are applied inside cabinets, in textile storage areas, along baseboards, along edges of the carpets. They can also be sprayed under furniture and other areas where moths appear. Depending on the specifications of the product, the solution can be sprayed even on fabrics, if this aspect is mentioned on the label.

Recommended insecticides for the control of clothes moths:

They are biocidal substances used to treat moths, most of which act on the insect’s nervous system. Most are contact insecticides, concentrated, which dissolve in water when used according to the recommended doses. The solution is applied by spraying, with manual or motorized equipment, depending on the size of the treated space.

Recommended products

Read carefully and follow the instructions on the label of each product
Recommended sprayers for the application of insecticides:

Sprayers are low-pressure applicator devices that are used for the application of pesticides using precise dosages. Their capacity varies depending on the type of device, the design, the application method (manual / motorized sprayers), and the size of the treated space. Special attention must be paid to the device settings, as well as to its maintenance.

Recommended products

Read carefully and follow the instructions on the label of each product

Aerosol insecticides

Immediately after applying insecticide spray, an aerosol-type insecticide can be used. The released particles will irritate adult moths and make them come out of hiding. Thus they will come into contact with the initially applied solution. Before using the insecticide, it is recommended to close any doors and windows. The furniture must be arranged so that the substances can infiltrate all the cracks. Depending on the product used, it must be left to act for a few hours, during which time the area must remain closed, according to the specifications on the label.

Aerosol insecticides recommended for combating clothes moths:

Aerosol-type insecticides act by releasing the active substance in a gaseous form, thus covering the entire space to be treated and ensuring the penetration of active substance particulates into hard-to-reach spaces. They are pre-dosed and ready to use. The released particles will irritate the insects, causing them to come into contact with the previously applied insecticide, therefore, in case of pests difficult to control, aerosol insecticides are used together with spray insecticides. For optimal results, the treated room must remain closed for at least 2 hours.

Recommended products

Read carefully and follow the instructions on the label of each product

Ready-to-use insecticide treatments

They can be found in the form of powder, granules, liquid, and spray. Ready-to-use insecticides are applied to dry surfaces. Because they act through contact or ingestion, pests must cross therefore touch the treated space. It is advisable to carefully read and follow the recommendations on the label of the product.

In hard-to-reach spaces inside or under furniture, it is recommended to use powder insecticides. They are especially useful when applied to cracks and fissures where moth eggs can be hidden.

Ready to use insecticides for the control of clothes moths:

Ready-to-use insecticides are pre-dosed solutions and can come in different forms (spray, powder, granules, etc.). The application is made according to the space to be treated, taking into account the information found on the product label. For optimal results, they are usually applied as close as possible to the source of infestation.

Recommended products

Read carefully and follow the instructions on the label of each product

Special devices can be used for the easier application of powdered products.


Dispersers are devices specifically designed for the application of granular products or powders. They are used to treat hard-to-reach spaces, for example: inside walls (cracks), behind panels, spaces around electrical outlets, and other very narrow spaces.

Recommended products

Read carefully and follow the instructions on the label of each product

Protective equipment

To avoid inhalation of vapors created during spraying or direct contact with applied substances, it is recommended to wear appropriate equipment. Protective equipment has the role of keeping the person performing the insecticidal treatments safely.

Recommended protective equipment:

Protective equipment has the role of protecting the person performing the treatments from dangerous substances. This category includes protective gloves, coveralls, masks, etc. The equipment is chosen depending on the type of treatment, as well as the substances used or the targeted pest.

Recommended products

Read carefully and follow the instructions on the label of each product

Strip Insecticides

They are strips that release an insecticidal substance, which eliminates moths within their range. They are placed in uninhabited storage spaces, protected from access by people or animals. Not recommended for small spaces (cabinets, drawers). Once hung, the tapes can protect against pests for a long time (3-4 months).

Clothes moths repellents

Moth repellents should be placed inside inhabited premises, cabinets, drawers, and in other spaces with textile materials. They come in the form of cardboard discs, impregnated with oils with a strong smell (lavender), which discourages the activity of moths in that area. They have a repellent effect against both adult forms and larvae.

Clothes moths are insects that appear in areas protected from light and are more difficult to detect. Infestations can sometimes be detected only when material damage is found. Therefore, their control involves, first of all, taking rigorous hygiene measures (brushing, vacuuming, and cleaning of materials), followed by the application of recommended treatments, depending on the infested space. If the degree of infestation is high, or the infestation area is sensitive (museums, exhibitions, fairs, etc.), it is advisable to call on specialized personnel to perform appropriate treatments in safe conditions.


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