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    • Me
      2 May 2023
      2 Wish green leaves

      Recommendation of plants beneficial for pollinators

      Hello everyone!

      I’m in a landscaping process where I want to turn my garden into a useful space for both people and nature.
      The available space is 200 sqm (15/14). Until 2-3 years ago there was lawn everywhere. In the meantime, I made a pond of 1.5-2mc and with the excavated soil I made a flower arrangement. Next to that area I also put 5 raised beds 240/80/40 which produce delicious vegetables and salad/aromatic plants. I am left with 3/4 of the garden where I want to get rid of the lawn and put in local plants that will grow year after year and benefit pollinators and the environment.
      I need recommendations of plants that will grow at different height levels so I can create vegetated areas. Ideally, these plants would also bloom at different times of the year so that we can constantly look out for pollinators.
      In the end, I would like to be left with just a small area of lawn so that I can put two sun loungers and the rest will be paths and vegetation.


      1 answer

    • Avatar
      2 May 2023

      Hello, in this case, you can consider using some seed mixes specifically designed for this purpose such as: Bee Flowers Mix Manna, 90 g, Butterflies Mix Seeds, 80 g, Bee Mix Seeds, 100 g.

      1 Wish green leaves
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