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    • Re
      6 March 2022
      0 Wish green leaves

      Paulownia – nutrient deficiencies or disease?

      Good evening, please help us in identifying the disease present in the paulownia tree, according to the attachment. It would also help to indicate the appropriate treatment. Thank you,

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      4 answers

    • Re
      6 March 2022

      Hello, I’m back with the attachment. I hope it is loaded correctly now. Thank you.

      0 Wish green leaves
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      6 March 2022

      The symptoms on the leaves indicate the insufficiency of several nutrients, in which case, 3 treatments are recommended every 10 days, in the evening, with plant treatment hauert ( Plant Treatment, 500 ml ). It is a fertilizer containing macro and microelements, specially designed to combat and treat chlorosis (yellowing of leaves). Dissolve 12 ml of concentrate (1/2 cap) in 5 liters of water for 1-2 sqm and water in the area of the roots. Most of the absorbent roots are in the area at the edge of the tree crown, do not just water near the trunk. Next year, you can administer preventive treatment, once a season, in the evening.

      0 Wish green leaves
    • Mc
      Mihaela calaras
      30 March 2022

      Hello, please help me with some advice. It’s also about paulownia, a young plant, from this year. Initially, small, almost black insects with transparent wings appeared on the leaves, like winged aphids, on both sides of the leaf, which made holes and left the leaf stained. I applied fungicide and acaricides but I didn’t get rid of them. And now I’ve noticed these blackish spots, some sticky… I don’t know what I can treat them with anymore. Maybe you have an idea what I could do to them? Thank you very much.

      0 Wish green leaves
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        1 April 2022

        In this case, you can apply an insecticide such as Faster 10 CE, 2 ml, by spraying (2 ml/ 6 L of water). One or two treatments can be performed, the interval between the two sprayings should be 5-7 days (if it’s the case). 7-10 days after performing the last treatment with the insecticide, to stimulate the recovery of the foliage, a foliar fertilizer such as Terra-Sorb Foliar, 100 ml can be applied (25 ml/10 L of water). Two treatments can be applied at an interval of 14 days between them.
        During the growing season, you can consider using a foliar fertilizer, with plant regeneration and strengthening effect, such as Biplantol Vital NT, 250 ml, applied by spraying on the leaves (20 ml/1 L of water). Applications can be repeated approximately every two to three weeks.

        0 Wish green leaves
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