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    • Mo
      14 March 2024
      2 Wish green leaves

      Olive tree, leaves with corrugated appearance

      Please help me with my olive tree. I have noticed that the new leaves that have appeared are corrugated. I don’t know what happened because it was doing so well. I saw on one leaf an insect that smells bad when you kill it, like a brown flying bug. I don’t know what else could be wrong.


      5 answers

    • Avatar
      15 March 2024

      Hello. Please send us more photos (including with the underside of the affected leaves) and give us details about the location and care of the plant (how long have you had the plant, if there is a heat source near the plant, how do you water it, how often do you water it, whether you have carried out treatments or fertilized it and any other relevant information). Also, please check carefully the whole plant (the topside and underside of the leaves, branches, trunk) and let us know if you notice any symptoms on them such as fine webs, white fuzz, spots, brown formations or pests and send us focused photos of them, if applicable.

      0 Wish green leaves
    • Mo
      16 March 2024

      The olive tree was brought by my daughter last summer from Greece. It sits by the window in direct sunlight without any heat sources nearby. The temperature in the room is 22-25 degrees. It has been watered during the winter once a week. It has new leaves with a corrugated appearance and yellowish spots. It is in the same pot and substrate as when we got it. It is growing new twigs but with a corrugated look.

      0 Wish green leaves
    • Mo
      17 March 2024


      1 Wish green leaves
    • Avatar
      18 March 2024

      Hello. From the inserted photos it is not possible to determine exactly what led to the appearance of the mentioned symptoms. It could be a phytopathogenic disease, a pest attack or abiotic stress caused by environmental conditions. To be on the safe side, it is recommended to remove the severely affected leaves and to carry out a preventive treatment with an insecticide with a broader spectrum of action, such as Movento 100 SC, 7.5 ml, in a dose of 7.5 ml/10 L water, and 7 days after this, you can carry out a second treatment with a fungicide such as Amistar, 10 ml, in a dose of 10 ml/10 L water. To increase the effectiveness of the products, you can also add an adjuvant such as Break Thru S 240, 2 ml, in a dose of 2 ml/10 L water to the solutions. The treatments are applied by uniform spraying on the plant (on the topside and underside of the leaves as well as on the branches and stem). At the same time as the treatments, you may also consider using a fertilizer that is specially formulated for Mediterranean plants, such as Wuxal Mediterranean Plants, 250 ml, by watering at the roots, according to the instructions on the label. For optimal growth and development, it is recommended to follow the specific care requirements detailed in our article in the Armuro Community: Olive, plant care and growing guide .

      0 Wish green leaves
    • Mo
      19 March 2024

      Thank you very much for your answers.

      0 Wish green leaves
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