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    • OJ
      Oliver J.
      4 May 2022
      0 Wish green leaves

      Grapevine – phylloxera attack

      MY grape vines have what look like little green warts on most of the leaves. It has been a very wet year, so not sure if this has anything to do with it. It is also next to some kind of prickly bush. I have in my yard 3 different grape vines (one concord, the other two I don’t because they were planted before I moved here, they are all different and in different parts of the fence line). Any ideas?


      4 answers

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      4 May 2022

      Hello. Please provide us with more details regarding your issue: if you have noticed the presence of a pest (for example holes in the leaf, stems, etc.); if you already applied treatments/fertilizer (please specify the products used, the quantity of the solution, and the volume of water used at dilution); what are the temperatures/climate you are keeping the plant in?
      Also, please attach several pictures of the plants in question: both overall pictures (the whole plant) and pictures of details (for example, the upper, lower face of the leaf or stem).

      0 Wish green leaves
      • OJ
        Oliver J.
        4 May 2022

        It is outside and quite large. It is cold at night (12-21° C) and either 21-26° C during the day. It is raining almost everyday. No holes, no discoloration, just “warts” on both under and topside of the leaves. No fertilizer or treatments.

        I will send a picture of the whole plant, it’s 31° C and raining right now.

        0 Wish green leaves
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          4 May 2022

          From the attached picture, the grapevine shows symptoms specific to phylloxera attack – galicola form (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae).
          Against this pest, it is recommended to apply treatments with specific insecticides used against aphids, such as: Faster 10 CE, 2 ml or Movento 100 SC, 7.5 ml or Deltasap 2.5 EC, 5 ml.
          The optimal time of application is in spring, in the interval between budding and the appearance of the first 2-3 leaves. The application of treatments should not exceed the time of the closing of the first galls.
          In addition, in order to detect the presence of pests (aphids, flies, etc.) in time and to be able to apply a treatment at an early stage of the attack, it is recommended to use an adhesive trap such as Interior & Garden Insect Trap. Insects are attracted by the color of the paper and stick to the special adhesive.

          0 Wish green leaves
    • Avatar
      4 May 2022


      0 Wish green leaves
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Common grape vine

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