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    • Da
      2 November 2023
      0 Wish green leaves

      Apricot tree, the leaves have started to turn yellow

      This apricot tree has been with me for about 9 years! It bore fruit this year! The leaves have started to turn yellow for about a month! Can it still be saved? I haven’t applied any treatment this year!


      3 answers

    • Avatar
      2 November 2023

      Hello. In order to be able to help you with a recommendation, please give us more information about the apricot tree: how were the environmental conditions in the last period (temperatures, precipitation). How often do you water it and how is the watering done? Have you applied herbicides to the lawn? Have you noticed any symptoms on the fruit? If you cut 2-3 branches, is the tissue dry/brown on the inside? Please attach some clear photos of both the sections and the tree as a whole (showing the base).

      0 Wish green leaves
    • Da
      3 November 2023

      It’s watered at the same time as the lawn (twice a week)! It had fruit that fell off before they were fully ripe! We fertilized the lawn twice this year (with products that were specially formulated for lawns). The surrounding field was sprayed with herbicides 2 years ago! Last year it had a lot of fruit!

      0 Wish green leaves
    • Avatar
      3 November 2023

      Hello, based on the photos and the information given, it is possible to assume the onset of Verticillium wilt. For an exact diagnosis we recommend carrying out some phytosanitary tests. In the case of apricot trees, the initial symptoms appear as a sudden wilting, the leaves dry out and remain attached to the branch. In the section of the branches, the necrosis of the wood tissues can be observed due to the action of the pathogen, which develops in the conducting tissues of the plant. The disease penetrates the plant from the soil through the roots, especially in the case of soils with a high degree of humidity. As there are no known effective treatments against this disease, it is generally recommended to remove the affected specimen.

      0 Wish green leaves
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