Cottony soft rot of carrot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) – identify and control


Cottony soft rot of carrot Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is common in all the root crops, but the greatest damage is reported in deposits and silos. In improper storage conditions, the damage can reach 25-50%.

Symptoms. The attack of the fungus in the field starts with the covering of the basal part of the plants with white fuzz. If the weather is humid and hot, the plants are completely destroyed. In deposits, a white-gray mycelium develops on the injured roots on which black bodies (sclerotia), of different shapes and sizes, appear. The roots rot moist, become soft and discolored. Cottony soft rot of carrot causes the appearance of a viscous portion of degraded tissue. The fungus attacks the root parsley, celery, parsnip, as well as other vegetables.

The transmission of the fungus occurs both in the field and in warehouses. It is achieved by direct contact between the diseased and the healthy roots if the temperature is around 22°C. Transmission from one year to another is provided by sclerotia. They germinate at temperatures of 18-22°C and humidity of 60-80%. If they do not find these conditions, they still keep their viability for 2-3 years.

Prevention and control. An important measure to prevent the attack is crop rotation, but this is difficult to perform in the vegetable field, as the fungus attacks many vegetable species. Deep plowing is recommended, for burying plant debris with sclerotia, avoiding excess moisture, the careful sorting of storage material, as well as maintaining a temperature close to 0°C in the warehouses.

During the vegetation period, treatments with specific fungicides can be applied.

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Cottony soft rot of carrot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) – identify and control
Cottony soft rot of carrot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) – identify and control

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